"Where the E-world meets the Real world"

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Designing and Delivering Oral and Online Presentations By: Nicole Neil

          Overcoming anxiety attacks before a presentation is to be given is often very difficult for people. The fear and anxiety that is associated with putting oneself in a position where they can be rejected willingly has never been easy for people, and talking to a group of individuals that we do not know increases that fear exponentially. Many people find that, prior to a presentation, they will suffer from dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms of panic and anxiety. Having some of the tools to help in effectively overcoming anxiety attacks will be very helpful when you are placed in this position and feel panic begin to build.
An individual who is well prepared for a presentation may find that they can’t remember the speech they had prepared when they are suffering a panic or anxiety attack. For many individuals, this disorder can have a significantly negative impact on their career and in their life in general.
Many people who are getting ready to do a presentation or meet a large group of people experience fear. While some individuals are able to use this fear effectively, others are immobilized by it. In many cases the fear is a result of the unknown. Not knowing the people or the reaction to a presentation can cause a lot of anxiety. One way to alleviate this fear is to spend some time meeting and networking with the group that you will be presenting to. Humanizing your audience will help you to feel more comfortable presenting information to them. In addition, getting a feel for the type of reception you will receive, their excitement or interest in your presentation, and their expectations will reduce the fear of rejection that many people experience when embarking on the unfamiliar.
          Creating an atmosphere will be very helpful in addressing anxiety when doing a presentation. Most people make the mistake of wearing tight fitting clothing or items they are very uncomfortable in. Discomfort often adds to anxiety and creates an extra level of worry when trying to concentrate on an effective presentation. Wearing clothing that you are familiar with and comfortable in will have a positive impact on your ability to present effectively. In preparing for your presentation, it is important to eat properly and get enough sleep. Hunger and lack of sleep are contributing factors to anxiety and can have a negative effect on presentations. By eating healthy foods and getting enough rest for several days prior to your presentation, you will be refreshed and able to concentrate on the task at hand. Have a great day at work and remember B.N.G. Consultants is always here to help.


Excellence in Business Communication/ John V. Thill, Courtland L. Bovee, 9th edition

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